Sino-US Bridge Program (SUBP)

On November 15, 2023, the heads of state of China and the United States agreed to promote and strengthen dialogue and cooperation in various fields between China and the United States, including expanding exchanges in education, international students, youth, and culture.
Jinping Xi & Joe Biden
Presidents of China & USA
“China is very advanced...and is rapidly expanding, so I hope that we can share, learn, and compare technologies with each other.”
Gavin Newsom​
California Governor
“We need to commit to a long-term relationship...get young Americans, come to China to learn the language, history, and culture so 20-30 years from now, university professors, secretary of state and ambassadors have experience in this country which is critical.”
Nicholas Burns US Ambassador to China
Nicholas Burns
U.S. Ambassador
“We live in a complex geopolitical world, the U.S. and China need to communicate with one another…to share viewpoints. Communication is key to increasing understanding, leading to trust building…”
Joe Tsai
Co-founder of Alibaba


SUBP strives to empower future American leaders by bridging divides through immersive experiences in China and by dispelling misconceptions about higher education and technology in China.

SUBP’s missions are:

  • Enhance the competitiveness of our future leaders by learning from excellence, regardless of its origin
  • Motivate students to overcome barriers like language, cost, and politics when considering studying in China
  • Prepare our future leaders to understand China, a global economic and technological powerhouse
  • Nurturing future youth leaders to bridge Sino-US friendship, foster collaboration, and achieve shared prosperity

In the recent years, China has surpassed the United States in many technological advancements, such as in mobile payments, e-commerce, high-speed rail, and new electric vehicles.

Despite what most people think about China’s higher education system, China is focusing more on innovation, critical thinking, and research, challenging the stereotype of a solely rote-based education. It is rapidly improving, indicated by the number of Chinese Universities ranking in the QS World University Ranking. Overall, 20% more schools have joined the rankings in the last 5 years, as you can see from the chart below.

QS World University Ranking Category Chinese Universities (2018) Chinese Universities (2023) US Universities (2018) US Universities (2023)
Top 100 6 7 33 28
Top 200 12 15 57 51
Top 500 38 50 131 127
Top 1000 101 123 216 207