SUBP 2024 News

SUBP 2024 News

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Date: June 29, 2024
Time: 9:00 PM UTC+8
Location: Zoom

Zoom Link: Click Here
Zoom Meeting ID: 860 3219 7116
Zoom Passcode: 589672

Current News

Join us on June 29 from 9-10:30 AM EST on Zoom to hear all about our incredible experiences at the Kuliang Youth Festival! From engaging in fluid painting and wine tasting to playing basketball and enjoying the gala with numerous concerts and dance performances. Don’t miss out on this exciting recap!

Recent News

Welcome to the third weekly reflection for the Sino-US bridge Program (SUBP)! During this reflection, we shared details regarding our trip in Fuzhou. This was an unexpected delight for all the students because of the large contributions from all the sponsors and Chinese government that really showed us how wonderful China and its culture is.

Reflection Highlights

  • Reflection Overview: See the topics that we covered in our reflection!
    • Day 1:
      • Kuulang Tree Planting
      • Kuulang Treasure Hunt
    • Day 2:
      • Yantai Hill Historical and Cultural Block
      • Round tables China-US Youth Exhibition
    • Day 3:
      • The Sky yof Kuliang: Fluid painting
      • Cultural Experience: dialogue between Coffee and Tea
      • Screenings of Chinese and US Documentaries
    • Day 4:
      • Basketball, Table Tennis, and other Sports
      • Youth Market
      • Bond between Mountain and Sea: Ningxia Wine Tasting
      • Evening Gala
    • Day 5: Closing Ceremony and Leaving
  • Student Insights: Although the students were not able to visit any universities or companies during our time in Kuulang, the students spent a large majority of their time learning about the diverse culture and history of China. A shared opinion among all the students is that the Sino-US China relations are paramount for a successful future. Many agree that although the relations between the two countries are rocky right now, there is hope in forming a successful bond, which is the mission that we have began to journey upon.
  • Reflection Recording: Click Here

Welcome to the second weekly reflection for the Sino-US Bridge Program (SUBP)! During this reflection, we shared details regarding our trip in Shanghai and Shenzhen. During our stay in Shanghai and Shenzhen, we spent a lot of time at many of the popular universities in the area as well as visiting many culturally significant locations.

Reflection Highlights

  • Reflection Overview: See the topics that we covered in our reflection!
    • Companies:
      • Starbucks
      • Poizon
      • Bilibili
      • Meituan
      • Tesla
    • Universities:
      • Fudan University
      • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
      • Tongji University
    • Activities
      • Shanghai Municipal People's Congress
      • Shanghai National Nature Preserve
      • Ying Dong Village
      • Dong Ping National Forest Park
      • Yu Garden
      • Huang Pu Night Tour
      • Wanhe Agricultural Technology Development
  • Student Insights: The students shared their interests and experiences in Shanghai and Shenzhen, China. While Shanghai was similar to Beijing in some aspects of the people and cityscape, Shenzhen was very futuristic with its rapid technological development. The students spent a lot of time comparing and contrasting the two cities and their own personal experiences in each.
  • Reflection Recording: Click Here

Welcome to the first weekly reflection for the Sino-US Bridge Program (SUBP)! During this reflection, we shared details regarding our trip so far in Beijing. During our stay in Beijing, we visited multiple different companies and universities, as well as visiting popular cultural locations.

Reflection Highlights

  • Reflection Overview: See the topics that we covered in our reflection!
    • Companies:
      • Xiaomi
    • Universities:
      • Tsinghua University
      • Peking University
      • Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
    • Activities:
      • Forbidden City
      • Great Wall
      • Song Qing Ling Cultural Experience
  • Student Insights: The students shared their interests and experiences in Beijing, China. Students agreed that Beijing was a beautiful city with rich culture and background. If given the opportunity to, students would have loved to spend more time visiting the cultural areas such as the Great Wall (also if it wasn't swelteringly hot.)
  • Reflection Recording: Click Here

Welcome to the official kickoff event for the Sino-US Bridge Program (SUBP)! We are thrilled to embark on this incredible journey, and we can't wait to share the details with you. This event marks the beginning of a life-changing experience for all participants, providing an opportunity to explore the rich culture, history, and modern advancements of China.

Event Highlights

  • Program Overview: Get a comprehensive overview of the Visit to China Program, including the itinerary, key activities, and objectives.
  • Attendees: Hear from esteemed speakers, including alumni of the program, cultural experts, and special guests from our partner organizations in China.
    • Grace Meng: American lawyer and politician serving as the U.S. representative for New York's 6th congressional district
    • Lester Chang: American businessman, naval reservist, and politician who represents the 49th district of the New York State Assembly
    • Dr. Larry He: New York State Assemblyman William Colton's Co-chief of Staff
  • Student Insights: Enjoy a series of presentations and performances that showcase student activities, tasks, and responsibilities.
  • Networking Opportunities: Meet fellow participants, program coordinators, and alumni. Build connections that will last a lifetime.