On April 20th, 2024, Youth4AM hosted a TA seminar, where Department Directors explained the expectations and duties of TAs and introduced different departments of this program (Academics, Admin, IT, and Marketing).
To start off, our MCs, Andre and Yvonne, opened up the TA seminar and went over TA expectations and duties which include, but are not limited to, teaching lessons during class sessions, tutoring students in ELA and Math, and keeping in contact with parents.
They then transitioned to the role hierarchy in the Leadership departments, which are student-run and are important for running the program behind the scenes, followed by presentations from each of the four departments.
To open up the floor to introduce the four departments, Vicky explained the role and importance of the Academic department, as well as the expectations for TAs.
Next, Andre from the Administration department explained the department’s role and expectations for TAs.
Then, Jennifer from the IT department presented her department’s role and expectations for TAs.
Coming towards the end, Andre presented on behalf of the Marketing Department, explaining the their skills and achievements.
Finally, Andre, Jennifer, and Yvonne gave testimonials about their experiences as TA, Manager/Director, and TA Leader, respectively, and gave advice to future TAs, who will be taking on this important role to promote a fun, healthy learning environment. After sharing their experiences, they opened up the floor to any questions from the prospective TAs.
Overall, the purpose of this TA seminar is to give a brief overview of the responsibilities of TAs and the soft + hard skills TAs will acquire through this unique experience. These include, but are not limited to, communication, organization, time management, interpersonal skills, and even public speaking. As a TA, you are primarily responsible for giving lessons to your assigned group, one-on-one tutoring with middle schoolers, keeping track of your student’s scores, and writing weekly parent reports. If you do well as a TA, you will be promoted to a TA Leader the next year in Youth4AM, where you will oversee your group of TAs and students. If you continue to perform well in the program, you will be promoted again in the coming years as TA Manager and Director in a specific department. This is a step-by-step process and promotion will only be rewarded to those who put effort into our program.
If you applied to be a TA, you also have the opportunity to apply for leadership positions in one of the four departments we offer (academics, admin, IT, and marketing). Although each department has different duties, they all train you to work with deadlines and how to communicate within your group. We strongly encourage you to review the TA responsibilities and the roles of each department. Consider applying to the one that interests you the most and please remember to submit your TA application form to Youth4AM!